Kamis, 24 April 2008

Masih Ada Perhatian

Semalem, baru saja aku bisa terhibur dan ketawa....

Tapi pagi ini, aku dapet teguran dari atasan...

Yang lain kali gak boleh diulang lagi...

Maaf Pak Bos, Klo saya sering off air dan kerja semaunya sendiri...

But, Thanks atas perhatiannya....

Coz aku kira sudah gak diperhatikan...

Kamis, 17 April 2008

Di titik nol

Semua hari terasa sama
Apa yang akan terjadi besok seperti bisa ditebak
Terima kasih kepada hatiku yang selalu setia menemaniku ngobrol

Sabtu, 12 April 2008


when you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure. But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher. In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who won or who lost. What is important is you know when to hold on and when to let go!

You know you really love someone when you want him or her to be happy, even if their happiness means that you're not part of it.Everything happens for the best. If the person you love doesn't love you back, don't be afraid to love someone else again. For you'll never know unless you give it a try. You'll never love a person you love unless you risk for love. Love strives in hurting. If you don't get hurt, you don't learn how to love.

Love doesn't hurt all the time. Though the hurting is still there to test you, to help you grow. Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall. You just fall

You cannot finish a book without closing it's chapter. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages. Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by single caress. It is a lifetime venture in which we are always learning, discovering and growing.

The greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go. We lose someone we love only when we are destined to find someone else who can love us even more than we can love ourselves.

On falling out of love, take some time to heal and then get back on the horse. But don't ever make the same mistake of riding the same one that threw you the first time.To love is to risk rejection, to live is to risk dying, to hope is to risk failure. But risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is risking nothing! To reach for another is to risk involvement, to expose your feelings is to expose true self, to love is to risk not to be loved in return.

How to define love. Fall but do not stumble, be constant but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, hurt but never keep the pain.

Love is like knife. It can stab the heart or it can carve wonderful images into the soul that always last fora lifetime. Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feeling. It should inspire you and give you joy and strength.

But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end. Loving people means giving them the freedom who they choose to be and where they choose to be. For all the heartaches and the tears, for gloomy days and fruitless years, you should give thanks. For you know, that there were the things that helped you grow. Loving someone means giving him the freedom to find his away, whether it leads towards you or away from you.

Love is a painful risk to take but the risk must be taken no matter how scary or painful, for only then you'll experience the fullness of humanity and that is love. Only love can hurt your hearts, fill you with desire and tear you apart. only love can make you cry and only love knows why. If you're not ready to cry, if you're not ready to take the risk, if you're not ready to feel the pain, then you're not ready to fall in love.

There was a time in our lives when we became afraid to fall in love because everytime we do, we get hurt, then I figured that's why it's called falling in love.

When you decide to love, allow it grow.
When you promise to love, refuse to let it die!

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Perpal vs. Ngode...

Doeloe pas jaman nganggur temenku yang sudah kerja pernah bertanya, "Apa sich sebenernya tujuan orang kerja apa to?". Dengan polosnya ku jawab "tentunya orang kerja itu untuk cari nafkah, biar dapur tetep ngebul."
Tapi dengan santainya temenku menjawab, "pada hakekatnya tujuan orang kerja itu adalah mengisi waktu luang dan yang kedua adalah beribadah."
Aku coba renungkan jawaban itu......dan ada benarnya juga akan jawaban temenku tadi..
yang namanya orang nganggur tentunya tak jauh dari namanya susah dapet duit. Uang 500 perak begitu berharganya supaya kita bisa makan...bisa beli rokok...atau beli es teh untuk meredakan panasnya otak yang merembet ke dada.
pokoke rak penak tenan ndes rasane wong nganggur.

Waktu pun berlalu, aku pun sekarang sudah memasuki yang namanya zaman makaryo.
Mulai kerja dari yang pake otot sampai sekarang kerja yang hanya mengandalkan otak dan jari jemari...Tapi yo syukur Alhamdulillah berarti sudah ada peningkatan..
Ternyata orang kerja ada kalanya senang dan ada kalanya susah...
Tapi tak doain semoga yang baca blog ini kerjanya pada seneng semua...Amin..amin..amin....

Saat ini, aku capek dengan kerjaan yang ada...
No inspiration...
No Spirit...
No Dedication..

Aku hanya inget aja ama nasehat temen sebelah klo kita harus "berpikir maju"...
Semoga esok hari aku masih bisa "berpikir maju"....

"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance? "

I want to go home......


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